Hi my name is Vivienne Neveling. I am 35 years old. I am a housewife and mother of two beautiful children.
I’d like to tell you something personal about myself. However before we get started have a look at my before & after pictures:
One day last February I just broke down and started to cry.
I couldn’t help it I had reached my breaking point. I felt like I was going to have a nervous breakdown. It happened one Monday morning right after I got on the bathroom scale to weigh myself.
I had been on a strict diet for nearly 2 months after the birth of my daughter – Lily. I had gone off the diet over the weekend to give myself a break and just to live like a normal human being for a couple of days.
Now the scales said I weighed 146 pounds. I just couldn’t believe it! That meant that in one lousy weekend I had more than gained back every single pound I had lost in the last 3 weeks!
I just had enough of being humiliated and vowed to myself that I would do whatever it takes to figure out why all my dieting efforts always ended up in vain. I hired a full-time sitter for Lily and got to work.
Over the next 12 months I scoured the internet – painstakingly piecing together the best weight loss gems I gleaned during over 1,764 hours of hard work, passionate dedication and relentless searching for the ultimate ways to lose weight – and keep it off for good.
… Based not on opinions but on solid research of the latest clinical trials, papers and expert commentary published on the subject of weight loss; just like the clinical studies above.
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks – everything we’ve been “force-fed” about losing weight is – DEAD WRONG! Quivering with Excitement – I condensed some of the best weight loss gems I had discovered into an easy to follow 11 step guide which incorporates the greatest contributing factors to weight loss.
I started to test it immediately. After only 2 weeks I lost a jaw-dropping 10 Lbs! I needed to make sure this wasn’t just a fluke … so I shared the guide with some family and friends.
They were all stunned to experience similar results … and the weight kept falling off!
That is how My Über Diet came to be. I want to help people just like me who are frustrated & tired of the weight loss struggle…
At the end of the day it is not Your fault – the majority of weight information out there is false & money mongers will continue with their lies to make billions out of innocent people like you & me.