So often life gets in the way…I’ve always wanted to try Kombucha but never got round too it. In the video above you can watch what the verdict was.
Kombucha doesn’t taste bad and all…but is it worth drinking when on a keto diet?
…but what is Kombucha?
Kombucha is a fermented tea that’s naturally effervescent with Living Probiotics, Amino Acids, Polyphenols, and Active Enzymes.
It is made from green or black tea (or both), sugar, yeast and bacteria. Its origins can be traced back to China about 2000 years. It’s made by adding a colony of live bacteria and yeast – a SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast), to sweetened tea. This concoction is left for a few weeks until it is ready.
There’s no doubt about it Kombucha does have significant health benefits such as:
- Very rich source of Probiotics
- Contains antioxidants
- Can Kill Bacteria
- May reduce Heart Disease
- May help manage Type 2 diabetes
- Help protect against cancer
…there is a BUT coming along, you see Kombucha is quite high in carbohydrates, so for people like us on a keto diet it would be better to avoid it or reduce the serving size and have it every other day.
Here is a brand by the name of GT’S – it is the original flavour (raw & organic)

Carb content for 8 oz:

So if you were to have 4oz per day that would be 3g of your daily carb allowance – which is quite high for so little. If you can squeeze it in to your 25g total carbs per day, then good… if not then rather give it a skip.
There are other options if you want to get natural probiotics, that would be sauerkraut and kimchi both are very low in carbs – perfect for Keto.
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