7 Reasons You Need More Magnesium

Magnesium deficiency is a widespread health problem.

Some studies suggest that 75% of Americans do not meet their dietary requirements for magnesium. However, a true deficiency is much less common — less than 2%, according to one estimate.

7 signs and symptoms You are deficient of Magnesium:

➡️High blood pressure
➡️Muscle cramps and twitches
➡️Mental disorders
➡️Muscle weakness and Fatigue

Keto friendly foods which are high in magnesium:

➡️Pumpkin Seeds
➡️Dark chocolate

If you know you are depleted of magnesium then take 3 tabs per day of Slow-Mag or the generic slow-release equivalent for 3–6 weeks. Thereafter take 300–500 mg per day.

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