All Calories are NOT created Equal

 People are overweight to obese and its simple really – They consume too many calories, and don’t do enough exercise to burn the calories…Yeah Right?

It just makes me sick this whole “calories in, calories out” nonsense.

If it were that simple there would be no weight issues in this world. I mean it’s quite easy: eat fewer calories and do some exercise and you will lose weight…

…And you know what? I was sold on this whole calorie business – Yes, I applied this method and for the life of me I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t losing any weight. I felt hungry all day long and exercising with hunger pains is just not on – it de-motivates you completely. Crappy sleep, which resulted in unproductive days. I felt irritated and grumpy and everyone around me went into hiding…

However, I think the worst part was I felt shattered because I couldn’t succeed in something as basic as a calorie restricted diet – I felt like a failure.

This fueled propaganda of calories in = calories out has to STOP.

The law of thermodynamics: Energy of an isolated system is constant. Basically in a controlled isolated system 500 calories of broccoli and 500 calories of soda are the same. They would both release the same amount of energy; however that would be in an isolated systemnot our bodies.

What happens if you eat 207 calories of broccoli and drink 140 calories of cola soda?


ice filled carbonated soft drink with a splash


Sugars: 39g

Water: 300g

Sodium: 45mg

This soda contains carbohydrates, broken into glucose and fructose. Because this drink contains no fiber whatsoever it will be absorbed very quickly. The sugar content is 9.75 teaspoons.

The glycemic index (GI) of a can (12oz) cola soda is 90.

This is what happens next:


Blood sugar level will rise significantly – due to glucose

High amounts of insulin will be released

Insulin is the fat storage hormone and will increase storage of belly fat

Increases inflammation

Lowers HDL chlesterol

Blood Pressure will rise

Glucose suppresses ghrelin and stimulates leptin, whereas fructose has no effect on ghrelin and wreaks havoc with your brains ability to communicate with leptin. This leads to overeating.

Insulin blocks leptin and these constant insulin spikes will lead to leptin resistance and your brain won’t get the signal that you have had enough to eat. Your brain and body think you are starving and you need more food…


When fructose is absorbed it goes straight to your liver – it cannot be metabolized anywhere else in your body.

The liver breaks the fructose down to triglycerides (fat) and damaging byproducts.

The triglycerides will be stored as fat.

During fructose metabolism fatty acids are created and they accumulate as small fat drops in your muscle tissue and liver. This can cause fatty liver disease as well as insulin resistance.

Too much fructose leads to chronic inflammation which in turn causes more weight gain and diabetes.

Fructose has no effect on ghrelin and wreaks havoc with your brains ability to communicate with leptin. This leads to overeating.

Also remember there is absolutely no nutritional value in this cola soda. So there we have it, 140 calories of cola soda cause absolute chaos in your body.


Fresh broccoli on the wooden table

Now let’s see how 207 calories of raw broccoli will perform: Broccoli also contains carbohydrates – remember all carbohydrates are broken down to sugar in the body. Carbohydrates: 40.4g

  • Fiber: 15.8g
  • Starch:14.2g
  • Sugars: 10.3g

Fat: 2.2g

Protein: 17.1g

Vitamins: 0.4mg

Minerals: 285.8mg

As you can see the sugar content here is 10.3g, one teaspoon of sugar is 4g in other words around 2.5 teaspoons of sugar. However these 207 calories of broccoli is 608g of raw broccoli (a bunch), and really who could eat all of that? Just bear with me as we continue.

The glycemic index (GI) of broccoli is 10.

Broccoli is high in fiber and it is low in sugar which means there will be no blood sugar or insulin spikes. It will be digested slowly and there are many vitamins & nutrients which can only be good for your body. For weight problems this is awesome because there will be no fat storage.

The rule of thumb is that women need 2000 calories and men need 2400 calories. But if all the calories consumed are “bad” calories like cola soda and rubbish food then obviously there will be fat storage and people will gain weight.

Now that is why not all calories are created equal and calorie counting has its place, however, only when good nutritious food is consumed.

In My Über Diet we will be using calorie restriction, so your appestat can be reprogrammed and you will know when you have had enough to eat. Your main fuel source will be to burn fat – and that is exactly what we want.

But don’t panic just yet, the food you will be eating will leave you satisfied with no gnawing hunger pains.

So back to YOU: If You know you’ve got to make a change & You’ve just tried about everything. Well, tell You what  – I bet I can help You lose the weight You have always wanted to lose.

Take me upon it, Stop everything that You are doing & Click Here Now

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