How to get your Mind right for Weight Loss?

Hey You, so you have decided to lose weight?

Great Stuff

You’ve probably heard this saying before:

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail…

Go grab a pen and paper, NOW, not later…hurry I’m waiting.


Now close your eyes and imagine what you will look like when you have achieved your ideal weight. Burn that image in your mind.

image of you-01

Let it sink in, because “THAT IMAGE OF YOU” is what your goal is and to achieve this, you will have to lose weight.

Having a goal is the starting point to achieve anything you want.

Next write down why (REASON WHY LIST) you want to lose weight, for example:


Great we have determined your goal (point B), but currently you are at point A.



There are 4 vital things you have to do to get to point B


– simple right? Well truth is 98% of people never take action & that is why they fail.

Let’s be honest here – Days month years will pass – the time will pass – but will you reach your goal taking action today or will you be stuck on that hamster wheel you are on today?


You will also need a Positive Mental Attitude to attract what you desire. Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things you don’t want. A positive mental attitude is the greatest of life’s riches…it is through this attitude that anything worthwhile is achieved.

There will always be “little men” telling you “how you can’t, why you can’t, and how you’re going to fail when you try.” But if you have a dream, go after it; never let someone tell you what you can’t do. You can do whatever you believe you can do.

The thoughts that you harbor in your mind, the ones that you continually give your attention to, those thoughts will eventually become your life. So be sure they are positive thoughts.


Self-discipline take possession of your own mind. If you direct your thoughts and control your emotions you will ordain your destiny. Take control of your life. Negative and positive thoughts cannot coexist in your mind – inevitably it will lead to failure.


You Need a PLAN. That’s easy right? All you have to do is apply the principals of My Über Diet, where I will take you by the hand, to achieve your goal. Easy as 123.

Believe in Yourself. If you see yourself as a success, then you will become a success; whatever you consistently ponder, you will become.

When you wake up think of your goal – “THAT IMAGE OF YOU” & if you struggle get out your REASON WHY LIST & read it again to keep you motivated.

P.S. Dig in your closet and find that ONE PAIR of jeans you can’t fit into anymore, put it somewhere you will see it every day to keep you going and motivated.

It comes down to one simple thing: How BAD do You want it?

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1 Comment

  • Rachelle

    Reply Reply August 28, 2017

    This is super important. I have one ultimate goal then medium goals (monthly), then weekly & daily goals. Write them down tick them off the list. This helps me a lot to achieve what I want.

    Great to apply to weight loss as well. Tnx I enjoyed this article.

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