Is Apple Cider Vinegar all it’s cracked up to be for Weight Loss?


You’ve heard it from your mother, grandmother hey even your aunt…but is there really any truth to Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) helping you to lose weight?

Let’s get down to it…

Yes! hooray it does help.

So taking that nasty & smelly stuff has been helping you to lose weight all along. Truth is – most of us take it for a week, we see no results and we ditch the whole story.

I have to confess that I take it religiously, not only for weight loss but also to:

  • lower blood sugar levels
  • improve symptoms of diabetes
  • reduce risk of heart disease
  • lower blood pressure
  • improve PCOS symptoms
  • improve insulin sensitivity

Impressive results in a human study*

In a study that ran for 12 weeks 144 obese adults were divided into 3 groups. Then every day they consumed either:

  1. 15ml ACV
  2. 30ml ACV
  3. Placebo drink

They were asked to follow their usual diet but had to constrict their alcohol.

The results:

15ml ACV per day:

  • Lost 2.6 lbs
  • 0.7% decrease in body fat
  • 0.5 inch decrease in weight circumference

30ml ACV per day:

  • Lost 3.7 lbs
  • 0.9 % decrease in body fat
  • 0.75 inch decrease in weight circumference

Placebo group

This group gained 0.9 lbs and their
waist circumference

Click here to view the study.

How much should you take?

No more than 30 ml per day. Take 15 ml in the morning and then again 15 ml in the evening diluted with some water.

Get the raw, unfiltered, GMO free and with the mother enzyme. Bragg’s is a very good brand.

Remember only drinking ACV and still eating junk won’t get you very far…connect with My Uber Diet and your fat will melt away*.



* Disclaimer: Individual results may vary from one person to another

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