Can I have Kombucha on a Keto Diet?
So often life gets in the way…I’ve always wanted to try Kombucha but never got round too it. In the video above you can watch what the verdict was. Kombucha doesn’t taste bad and all…but is it worth drinking when on a keto diet? …but what is Kombucha? Kombucha is a fermented tea that’s naturally…
Keto Flapjacks – So Yummy

Why not give these keto flapjacks a go for breakfast? (a fantastic alternative to eggs) Best of all they are quick and easy to make but they taste moreish… This recipe serves 2 Ingredients: ¼ cup almond flour 2 eggs 1tsp backing powder 2 tbsp. smooth cream cheese 1tsp vanilla A few drops of stevia…
Your Ultimate Superfood for Joint Pain

Here’s what you’ll learn from this report: How to get rid of joint pain as fast as humanly possible… because this really works. But hey, don’t take my word for it – I’ll show you the studies to prove it. Look we’ve all experienced some pain at some stage of our lives but the thing…
Keto Bombs – Pecan & Coconut Balls

Just because they are delicious… This recipe makes about 10 bombs – don’t eat them all in one day 🙂 With delicious meals like these who wouldn’t want to follow a keto diet? Click here & Get your customized 21-day Keto meal plan
Keto Pizza – Delicious!
How many diets have you been on before which have failed you? Deprevation, hunger pains, starrvation…Luckily on a Ketogenic Diet there’s none of that… This Keto Pizza is so delicious it even tastes Better than your conventional wheat based pizza – You dont believe me do you? Well then theres only one way to go…
Join Your 7 Day Keto Challenge – Absolutely Free

Hey Ladies…let me ask you something…what if: … Eating right was fast and easy? … You didn’t need to eat broccoli and green beans the whole day long? … You didn’t have to hire a trainer, dietitian, or a shrink? … This actually worked? Great news: You can. I know because I’ve done it. Hey,…
What are Macro Nutrients?
macronutrient noun BIOLOGY plural noun: macronutrients 1. a type of food (e.g. fat, protein, carbohydrate) required in large amounts in the diet. …
What is a Ketogenic Diet?
The Ketogenic diet, is very low in carbohydrates, moderate in protein and high in fat. Through the restriction of carbohydrates your body is forced into a state called ketosis and essentially uses fat stores for fuel as the primary energy source instead of glucose. The low-carb intake helps to keep your insulin and blood sugar levels from spiking – Now…
Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet
Obesity Cholesterol Joint pain Arthritis Diabetes Anti-Aging Hypertension Inflammation Sleeping Problems Depression Anxiety High Triglycerides Depression Leaky gut Fatty Liver Hormonal Imbalance Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Metabolic Syndrome Migraine Headaches Parkinson’s disease Gout … The My Über Ketogenic Diet is definitely for You & will most certainly Help you.
Hydration and Keto Flu
What is Keto-Flu? The keto flu is often referred to as a side effect when you start your ketogenic diet and you begin entering ketosis. That is the bad news… the good news is that it lasts for a very short time and not every person experiences these rather irritating symptoms. In a nutshell…