Your Ultimate 30 Day Plank Challenge

In with the plank and out with the crunches, sit ups etc…because planks absolutely rock.

But “Why Plank?” you may be asking. Well, I assure you after you have done your first plank you will know why they work so well the next day.

But let me tell you why planking is so awesome:

Less than 10 minutes of planking a few times a week flattens abdominals more effectively than a thousand crunches can, says Geralyn Coopersmith, the global director of performance and fitness training for Nike*.

The Plank will:

  • Strengthen your core – which will make you better at any activity you do.
  • Tone your abs – to be more exact, your obliques & transversus abs.
  • Workout your legs, shoulders and glutes

Remember: Strong abs keep your spine supported.

How to do a Plank

Get in the plank position: propped on your forearms, elbows in line with your shoulders, your feet together and your toes planted firmly.

Keep your abs tight, lift your body, maintain a straight line from your heels to your tailbone and through to the top of your head. Keep your neck straight. You should feel this mainly in your abs, rather than your shoulders, elbows, or forearms.

Watch out for a sinking low back or an arched back with the hips in the air. This is the type of “plank” usually favoured by people who say a plank is “too easy.”

While you’re at it – and trust me it only takes a few seconds… why not also get your behind in great shape with Your Ultimate 30 Day Squat Challenge? Click here and get your sexy butt…

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* Disclaimer: Individual results may vary from one person to another

1 Comment

  • Julia

    Reply Reply February 17, 2016

    Tnx I’m certainly gonna start today – Seems legit

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