Testing for Ketones
There are 3 types of ketone bodies that are found inside the body: Acetoacetate (AcAc) – primary ketone body in the urine Acetone – primary ketone body in the breath Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) – primary ketone body in the blood As we can see there are 3 ways to determine the presence of ketones. Urine/Keto Sticks…
The Truth about Alcohol on a Ketogenic Diet

Say what you will, most of us have had the “great” experience of having a good time, over serving yourself with alcohol, got zonked and the next day you felt Red-eyed and bushy-tongued… The first words you mutter in the morning: “Never again!” …But hey nobody’s perfect… The problem with alcohol is that it does…
The Sooner You Know about “Keto-Flu” The Better
What is Keto-Flu? The keto flu is often referred to as a side effect when you start your ketogenic diet and you begin entering ketosis. That is the bad news… the good news is that it lasts for a very short time and not every person experiences these rather irritating symptoms. In a nutshell –…
Collagen – Your Fountain of Youth

https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-uber-diet/Collagen+donkey+fix.mp4 Looking in the mirror – every year we see fine lines decorating our faces and for most of us, it is a reminder that we are aging. For most like me, it isn’t that pleasant, as a result, we are suckered into buying anti-aging creams that simply don’t work. Your skin consists of…
#1 Reason why people fail dismally on a Ketogenic Diet
https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-uber-diet/Mama+video+Ketogenic.mp4 Click Here to get Your My Uber Ketogenic Diet
She’s 51 Looks fabulous…& she’s on a Ketogenic Diet

This actress at age 51 has diabetes but really looks stunningly beautiful. How does she do it? Well she is on a Ketogenic diet & additionally does exercises to keep her in top shape. Have a look at the Video below to find out who she is… …but she is only one amongst the rich…
Carnivore Diet Books
This carnivore diet is excellent, and these books will guide you through your journey: White Gold Little House in the woods
How to get your Mind right for Weight Loss?

Hey You, so you have decided to lose weight? Great Stuff You’ve probably heard this saying before: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail… Go grab a pen and paper, NOW, not later…hurry I’m waiting. Awesome Now close your eyes and imagine what you will look like when you have achieved your ideal…
Best Weight Loss Time? Is Hibernation Time!

I guess the heading does not make a lot of sense does it? However the question remains when is the best weight loss time? Most often than not any situation where water & myself was involved such as a pool, beach – basically fun in the sun. I tried to avoid it like the plague…
Insanely Effective Exercises the 1% Do – that the 99% Don’t…

First … I want to ask you a quick question … How would you like to burn fat up to 6 X faster … with a whole lot less work … and in less than half the time it takes everybody else? … I thought you might 🙂 … … this method of exercising &…