Which is better for Weight loss: Diet or Exercise?
More often than not family members or friends will over indulge in chocolate, pizza, soft drinks etc & simply explain afterwards – “NO worries I’ll just exercise, & get rid of the calories.” But believe You me THAT is easier said than done. Often You will hear: “You cannot outrun a bad diet” How true…
All Calories are NOT created Equal

People are overweight to obese and its simple really – They consume too many calories, and don’t do enough exercise to burn the calories…Yeah Right? It just makes me sick this whole “calories in, calories out” nonsense. If it were that simple there would be no weight issues in this world. I mean it’s quite…
Why You should NEVER Weigh Yourself

There is no doubt about it, most woman who tackle a new diet, will get up in the morning, go to the loo and jip, You guessed it…climb onto the scale. This little object will spit out a number & will determine the rest of the greater female populations mood for the day… It’s a…
You are Unique
Let’s be honest here a “one size fits all diet” will never work – Why? Because you are unique. Here we have Susan, Gender: Female Age: 32 Activity level: Sedentary Calories Per Day: 1800 …and here is Joe Gender: Male Age: 32 Activity level: Active Calories Per Day: 2800 Both Susan & Joe do not…
How to Lower Your Triglycerides

Rather watch the Video version of 5 Foods to Never Eat? Click Here Here is a quick summary of Triglycerides (I promise to keep it short) Right so you’ve probably been to the doctor and got your blood work done and the results are back… “Your Triglyceride levels are too high” the doc explains and…
Cholesterol – What You Need to Know

The problem isn’t the cholesterol – in fact you do need cholesterol to live. This waxy, soft and fat-like substance is present in your blood as well as every cell in your body. Cholesterol helps to produce hormones (testosterone, estrogen and adrenaline), cell membranes, vitamin D (without it there will be no vitamin D) as…
Is Apple Cider Vinegar all it’s cracked up to be for Weight Loss?
You’ve heard it from your mother, grandmother hey even your aunt…but is there really any truth to Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) helping you to lose weight? Let’s get down to it… Yes! hooray it does help. So taking that nasty & smelly stuff has been helping you to lose weight all along. Truth is – most of us take it for a…
# 1 BIG Secret to Losing Weight

…this one BIG Secret is standing between You and fat burning. So stick with me, and read this post and all will be crystal clear. According to an article in the Daily mail: “Women spend a staggering 17 years of their lives dieting” Well, that is horrible, need I say more….No one would wish that on…
1 BIG Mistake People make when on a Diet…
…this one BIG mistake is standing between You and fat burning. So stick with me, and read this post and all will be crystal clear. According to an article in the Daily mail: “Women spend a staggering 17 years of their lives dieting” Well, that is horrible, need I say more….No one would wish that…
They laughed when I said I was on a New Diet….But when they saw me after a month…

* Disclaimer: Individual results may vary from one person to another …but the biggest surprise for everyone was when Lesley* explained exactly what she had done to lose the weight… However – before we continue, I want to give you a brief background on Lesley (Les, that’s what we call her) Right – so…